Sunday 23 April 2023

Saint George's Day

Saint George's Day

Today, all Christians celebrate Saint George's Day. Saint George is one of the most prominent Biblical figure, well-known for his legend in which he slain the dragon. I guess this is the inspiration for all those cheesy medieval legends in which a powerful, good looking knight kills the beast, saves the princess, marries her and live happily ever after. Now back to our story, who was the real Saint George and why is he so important for Christianity?

Byzantine icon of Saint George

Saint George's date of birth is unknown. He was born around the end of the 3rd century in the Roman province of Cappadocia, modern-day Turkey. From a young age he joined to ranks of the Roman legions, becoming a well trained soldier and a very capable commander. It is said that at some point he was assigned to the famous Pretorian Guards, the personal bodyguards of the Roman emperor. Unfortunately, the emperor was no other than Diocletian, well known for his persecutions against Christians. After he found out that George was a Christian too, he had him arrested and attempted to make him abandon his religion and faith in God. In spite of all the torture he endured, George refused to convert himself to the Roman pagan religion. As a result, he was sentenced to death and beheaded on the 23rd of April. Over the centuries, Saint George was depicted as a warrior saint. During the Crusades, his image appeared on the banners of the Christian army. Later, during the ''Hundred Years War'', a series of military conflicts between France and England which lasted from 1337 to 1453, king Edward 3rd adopted the Saint George's cross on his Royal Standard, thus becoming the patron of England.

Saint George's cross

Edward 3rd' Royal Standard

Furthermore, the Order of the Garter, one of the oldest order of chivalry established by the same king Edward 3rd, has Saint George as his spiritual patron. The order is still active today, and it is the most senior order of knighthood in the United Kingdom.

Badge of the Order of the Garter 

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