Thursday 20 April 2023

Scotland-a magical place. Part.2. Edinburgh vaults

Scotland-a magical place
Edinburgh vaults

Edinburgh vaults

Also known as the South Bridge Vaults, their story is quite fascinating and spooky. Between the 17th and the 18th century, Edinburgh experienced a demographic boom. As a result, the city became overcrowded and it had to deal with a house shortage. To solve the problem, the British Parliament passed the South Bridge Act of 1785. Eventually, a series of chambers were built within the arches of the South Bridge over the next decades.

A map of the vaults

Their main purpose was housing taverns, workshops and craftsmen. Nevertheless, it became a good place for homeless people and outlaws. Additionally, there are records in which is mentioned that body snatchers used to store corpses overnight in the vaults. However, by the 19th century, the vaults had been abandoned by the majority of its residents because of the poor hygiene conditions and there were occupied entirely by the poorest people of Edinburgh. Today, they are open to visitors and tourists and there are some rumors of paranormal activity happening there. But these are just some cheap superstitions, right?👻👻👻

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