Tuesday 23 May 2023

Emperor Constantine I. A lesser known story

 Emperor Constantine I

A lesser known story

Let's begin with Crispus. Born around 305 CE, he was the eldest son of Constantine with his first wife, Minervina. He received his education the Christian writer Lactantius. In 317, he was given the title of Caesar, and, as a result, he was made the governor of the Roman province of Gaul. He proved to be a very capable commander, by defeating the Franks in 320 and the Alamanni in 322 and 323. Furthermore, he accompanied Constantine in his campaign against Licinius in 324. 


It appears that everything went to well for our hero to end up bad. Yes? Well, no😅. Like I said, Crispus was the son of Constantine with his first wife, Minervina. But, he divorced her in order to marry another woman, Fausta. Born in 289, she was the daughter of emperor Maximian.  


Emperor Maximian

Now, there are many theories why both Fausta and Crispus ended up executed. Historians Zosimus and Zonaras agreed that she and Crispus plotted to dethrone Constantine. They also claim that Fausta had an affair with his step-son. Whatever the truth is, we know for sure that Constantine had them both executed in 326 CE.

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