Friday 12 May 2023

Coronation Day. Sovereign's Sceptre with Cross

 Coronation Day
Sovereign's Sceptre with Cross


Sovereign's Sceptre with Cross

Queen Elizabeth II holding the sceptre

There are two sceptres actually: the first one with cross and the second with dove, also known as ''the Rod of Equity and Mercy''. The former, however, is more special because, it possess the Cullinan I, a 530.2-carat diamond which is the largest colorless diamond in the world. It was cut from the largest diamond ever found: the 3,106-carat Cullinan diamond, which was discovered in modern-day South Africa in 1905. It was named after the town of Cullinan, the location where it was found. The diamond was added to the sceptre in 1910. 

Back to our object, the sceptre, which dates to king Charles II (reigned 1660-1685), is a gold rod and is about 92 cm long and weighs about 1.3 kilograms. It symbolises the monarch's temporal power. During the investiture segment of the coronation, the sceptres and other items, including the Sovereign's Orb, are handed to the monarch. 

A better observation of the Cullinan I 

King Charles III holding both the Sceptre and the Orb

The Sceptre with Dove

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