Saturday 24 June 2023

London Bridge

 London Bridge

The London Bridge is a historic bridge located in central London, England, spanning the River Thames. However, it is important to note that there have been multiple bridges throughout history that have been called the London Bridge.

King John of England

Construction of the Old London Bridge began in 1176 and was completed in 1209 during the reign of King John. It replaced an earlier wooden bridge, which had stood at the same location since Roman times. The construction of the bridge was by Peter de Colechurch, a priest and a architect. He designed the bridge with 19 arches and employed the use of medieval masonry techniques.

The London Bridge had a significant importance both as a crossing point over the River Thames and as a symbol of the city of London. It served as a vital transportation route, connecting the northern and southern parts of the city and facilitating trade and commerce. The bridge also became a focal point for various activities, such as markets, shops, and houses built along its length.

Old London Bridge in 1616

London Bridge today

Throughout its history, the London Bridge witnessed numerous historical events and notable occurrences. Here are a few examples:
  1. Medieval Defenses: The bridge was often fortified and defended against attackers. It featured a gatehouse known as "Nonsuch House", which house the heads of traitors impaled on spikes
  2. Fires and Rebuilding: The bridge suffered several fires over the centuries. One of the most devastating fires occurred in 1666 during the Great Fire of London. The bridge was rebuilt and underwent subsequent modifications. 

 "Nonsuch House"

By the 19th century, the Old London Bridge had become increasingly congested with traffic, and its structural integrity was compromised. Consequently, it was dismantled in 1831 and replaced with a new bridge, known as the New London Bridge.

The current London Bridge, constructed between 1967 and 1972, stands adjacent to the original site of the Old London Bridge. Designed by architect Lord Holford, it is a modern concrete and steel bridge with a simple and functional design, serving as an important transportation link in the city. 

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