Saturday 10 June 2023

Livery company

Livery company

The livery companies of the City of London are ancient and prestigious organizations that have played a significant role in the city's history and governance. These companies, also known as the ''Worshipful Companies'' or simply the City Livery, are unique to the City of London, which is the historic financial district at the heart of modern London. 

Coat of arms of the Worshipful Company of Grocers, founded in 1345, 2nd in precedence amongst the livery companies of the city

The livery companies trace their origins back to medieval times, with the earliest known company, the Weavers' Company, established in 1155. Over time, various trades and crafts formed their own guilds or fraternities to regulate their industries, protect their members' interests, maintain quality standards, and provide charitable support. These guilds eventually evolved into the livery companies we see today.

The purposes of the livery companies have evolved over time, but they generally serve the following functions:
  1. Trade Regulation
  2. Charity and Philanthropy
  3. Social and Networking Opportunities
  4. Civic Duties
Today, there are 110 livery companies, each representing a specific trade, profession, or interest. While their original regulatory functions have largely diminished, the livery companies still maintain their charitable activities, social functions and involvement in civic life. They award scholarships, grants, and prizes, support educational initiatives, and contribute to the cultural and historical heritage of the City of London. 

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