Friday 9 June 2023

The City of London Corporation

The City of London Corporation

Like I said, the City of London has its own governing body, called the City of London Corporation. So, 

Arms of the City of London Corporation

There is no surviving record to show us how old this governing body is but, its origins date back to the Anglo-Saxon period. After the Norman Conquest of England in 1066, the City of London was granted many special privileges under the new Anglo-Norman king, William I/the Conqueror. 

King William I of England (1066-1087)

There are many offices within the Corporation, the most important being:
  • The Town Clerk, who is also the Chief Executive
  • The Chamberlain, the City Treasurer and Financial Officer
  • The City Remembrancer, who is responsible for protocol, ceremonial and security issues
  • The City Surveyor, who is responsible for the central London commercial property portfolio
  • The Comptroller and City Solicitor, legal officer
  • The Recorder of London, the senior judge at the Central Criminal Court
  • The Common Serjeant, the second senior judge at the Central Criminal Court
There is also a leader of the Corporation, with the title of the Lord Mayor of London. Please, don't confuse it with the Mayor of London😁. The office was first established in 1189, Henry Fitz-Ailwin de Londonestone being the first holder.

Statue of Henry Fitz-Ailwin de Londonestone, the 1st Mayor of the City of London (1189-1215)

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