Friday 7 July 2023

Benedict Arnold. The greatest American traitor in history

Benedict Arnold

The greatest American traitor in history 

Benedict Arnold was born in Norwich, Colony of Connecticut, in 1741. He was the second son of a wealthy family of merchants. He received proper education for a child of his social status. Unfortunately,  his father became an alcoholic and accumulated many debts. As a result, upon his death, the young Benedict was left in a very precarious financial situation. Eventually, he was taught trading by his elder cousins, thus becoming a very skilled and rich merchant.

In 1767, he married Margaret Mansfield. They had 3 children, but she died in 1775. The same year the American Revolutionary War started, and Benedict enrolled in the New Haven militia as a Captain. In May 1775, he captured Fort Ticonderoga, followed by other small victories. For his military achievements, he was raised to the rank of Brigadier General.

A 1776 portrait of Benedict Arnold

In December 1775, he joined another campaign of the newly formed Continental Army with the aim of capturing Quebec. It was a disaster for the Americans, but yet again, Arnold distinguished himself as a capable military commander. Unfortunately, he had a very poor relation with both his superiors and his fellow Generals. 

Nevertheless, this was not his last appearance on the battlefield. In 1777, he took part in the Battle of Saratoga where, despite his private differences with his superior, General Horatio Gates, he fought valiantly and defeated the British Army led by General Burgoyne, who surrendered in October 1777.

General Horatio Gates (1727-1806). He is not related to Bill Gates

British General John Burgoyne (1722-1792)

After this success, France joined the American cause. Meanwhile, Arnold, wounded in battle, was appointed the new Commander of Philadelphia, in 1778. Here, he met the Shippens, a wealthy family with Loyalists tendencies. In 1779, he married Peggy Shippen. At the same time, Arnold met another person who would play a major role in this story: British spy and Major John Andre. 

Peggy Shippen (1760-1804)

Major John Andre (1750/1751-1780)

In 1780, Arnold was appointed the new commander of West Point, a military fort on the banks of Hudson River. This is when our great hero decided to change sides. It is not known the real reasons behind Arnold's treason. Some historians claim that his wife influenced him to join the British while others say that he was not rewarded enough for his bravery on the battlefield. Nevertheless, Arnold made up his mind and he decided to sell West Point to the British for £25,000. But the plot was exposed, when some patrols caught Major Andre with the papers which incriminated Arnold of treachery. Arnold managed to escape the fort, while Major Andre was hanged for spying. 

In the end, he and his family set sail to London, where he passed away in 1801. 

Almost 100 years later, the Boot Monument was erected by John Watts de Peyster to commemorate the victory at Saratoga. It is a tribute to General Benedict Arnold, who suffered a foot injury in the battle when his horse was shout and fell under him. However, his name is not mentioned on the monument. 

And this was Benedict Arnold. A man who could have died many times as a hero, but he chose to live long enough to see himself became the villain.

The Boot Monument

The ghosts of Benedict Arnold and Major Andre, the two main antagonists in a 1976 Scooby-Doo Show episode

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