Thursday 20 July 2023

Dublin Castle

 Dublin Castle

Dublin Castle is a former Motte-and-bailey castle and current Irish government complex and conference centre. It is located on the highest point of central Dublin.

Dublin Castle

The Anglo-Normans began their conquest of Ireland in the late 12th century. The castle was first founded as a major defensive work by Meiler Fitzhenry on the orders of King John of England in 1204. Until 1922 it was the seat of the British government's administration in Ireland. The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland or Viceroy of Ireland, the representative of the Monarch, had his official residence here. Much of the current buildings date from the 18th century.

The Record Tower, the sole surviving tower of the medieval castle dating from 1228

Entry to the State Apartments. The State Apartments contain the rooms formerly used by the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. Today, these richly decorated rooms are used by the Irish government for official engagements including policy launches or hosting State Visit ceremonial

After Ireland became independent in 1922, the castle assumed to the role of the Four Courts, the legal complex badly damaged during the Irish Civil War (1922-1923). In 1938, the inauguration of Douglas Hyde, the first President of Ireland, took place in the castle. As a result, the complex has been host to this ceremony ever since. 

Douglas Hyde, 1st President of Ireland (1938-1945)

Below, there are the main rooms of the State Apartments complex:

Throne Room

State Corridor

St. Patrick's Hall. In 1897, Earl Cadogan, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland gave a banquet to celebrate the 60th year of the reign of Queen Victoria

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