Monday 24 July 2023

The Old Library.Trinity College Dublin

The Old Library  

Trinity College Dublin

The Old Library building, home to the Book of Kells, was constructed between 1712 and 1732. The architect was Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Burgh, a Trinity College graduate who served as a military engineer in the army of King William III in the 1690s.

The Old Library Building

The reason why it took so long to the construction to be completed was partly due to the lack of funds from the British government due to the changing political situation in London and within the college itself. Eventually, the building was opened in 1732, and it was welcomed by all.

The Long Room with its flat ceiling

Thomas Burgh's other work in the capital included contributing to the reconstruction work on Dublin Castle, the old Custom House and St. Werburgh's Church. Today, the library has over 6 million items.

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